Our Green Business Network is a partnership opportunity to provide awareness, education and initiatives to encourage employees to take action in the workplace and at home.

We seek to build collaborative partnerships with businesses that will benefit employees, management teams and Sussex Green Living equally.  We believe, in order to bring about lasting change, it is important to understand the context of the problem and workable solutions which help people and organisations move to a different mindset and lifestyle. We encourage businesses to include an education session as part of their partnership programme. In these sessions we work together to agree a core environmental topic, look at the problem, identify possible solutions and then deliver activities with employee participation.

We’d love for you to join our new GREEN BUSINESS NETWORK. 

Joining is easy and involves a choice of:

  • Booking a 45-minute ‘Lunch & Learn’ session for staff climate action, covering fast fashion, switch and ditch – making better shopping choices, waste reduction, biodiversity, and more. Online, in person or a combination of the two, includes Q&A and a green action plan.
  • Sponsoring one of our key initiatives, such as a Pollination Education Station
  • Selecting Sussex Green Living as a charity to fundraise for. 

Why Join?

    • Demonstrate ESG commitment
    • Stay ahead with eco-friendly practices
    • Mitigate risks, ensure resilience
    • Positive workplace, PR benefits
    • Support local community
  • Save money with sustainable practices


  • Payroll giving – enable employees to easily fund our community work 
  • Volunteer at our events and in schools. 
  • Pro bono: Lend your businesses’ skills or expertise. 


Britain’s nature, a depleted oasis, relies on pollinators for every third mouthful we savour – the unsung heroes behind our food and thriving ecosystems. Human activity has transformed built-up areas like Sussex, demanding innovative conservation solutions. Cue our Pollination Education Stations (PES).

Our goal is to create a PES Trail across Sussex to boost biodiversity and amplify awareness of ongoing environmental initiatives. Together, let’s nurture our ecosystems and celebrate the essential role of pollinators.

What is a Pollination Education Station? 

A purpose-built structure crafted from repurposed materials, provides a safe, eco-luxury haven for our essential winged friends. Each station includes an A2 educational plaque, fostering awareness and action. Plus a wooden ‘sponsored by’ sign and soil.

How Can You Help?

Join businesses, pubs, councils, schools, colleges, groups, and individuals across Sussex:

  • Purchase and install a PES on your property.
  • Or sponsor one for a local school, college or green space.


Option 1. Supply and deliver a Pollination Education Station, includes sponsored by plaque, A2 educational sign and soil  (without pollinator station materials and herbs – ‘stuff’ and plant up yourself) = £500 MIDI or £600 MAXI *

Option 2. Supply and deliver a complete ‘stuffed’ and planted Pollination Education Station including sponsored by plaque, A2 educational sign, soil, plants and ‘stuffed’  = £680 MIDI or £800 MAXI *

(this can either be for your own property, or you can ‘sponsor’ one for a school or local green space)

Option 3. Green Business Network membership with 1 x ‘in-person’, online or hybrid ‘Lunch & Learn’ session = £500 **

Option 4. Green Earth Protector package – Green Business Network membership with 1 x ‘in-person’, online or hybrid ‘Lunch & Learn’ session and a Pollination Education Station MIDI or MAXI of your choice = £500 plus cost of PES **

* MIDI – H 150cm D 105cm W 50cm includes mileage within 10 miles of Horsham

*  MAXI – H 180cm D 130cm W 80 includes mileage within 10 miles of Horsham

** includes mileage within 10 miles of Horsham

To get involved with our Green Business Network opportunities or to find out more, please contact us here.

Read about our work with Envitia, a Horsham based data and IT company and the installation of the first Pollination Education Station on their trading estate in March.

PES Locations and Sponsors (updated 19th June 2024)

4th March North Heath Lane Trading Estate – sponsored by Envitia Ltd
19th May St. Mark’s Church Horsham – sponsored by St. Marks in support of Horsham Men in Sheds
20th May Castlewood Primary School, Southwater – Sponsored By Southwater Parish Council and Sussex Green Living
22nd May Southwater Junior School – Sponsored by Wates Group Ltd
23rd May Trafalgar Infant School – Sponsored By Horsham Trafalgar Neighbourhood Council
7th June Ecclesden Park, Angmering – sponsored by Barratt Homes
7th June Ryebank Gate, Arundel – sponsored by Barratt Homes
12th June North Heath Community Primary School, Horsham – Sponsored By Envitia Ltd
12th June William Penn School, Coolham – sponsored by Sussex Green Living
13th June Billingshurst Primary School – sponsored by Sussex Green Living
14th June Meadowbourne Place, Eastbourne – Sponsored by Barratt Homes
14th June Ersham Park, Hailsham – sponsored by Barratt Homes
Date TBC Shelley Primary School, Broadbridge Heath – sponsored by Broadbridge Heath Parish Council and Church

Lunch & Learn sessions on fast fashion and the environment, Switch & Ditch and more!

Pollination Education Station (MAXI)- getting our pollinators buzzing around your place of work

We are collaborating with Lilys Cottage Upcycling and Horsham Mens Sheds. Three beautiful MIDI PES!

Download a copy of the sizes and costs here. 

Download a copy of the flyer here

Download a copy of this flyer here.

Each PES comes with this A2 educational plaque, explaining why they are important, what you can do for nature and signposting to solutions. This is the Horsham District version, a different version will be available for PES in other areas, download this flyer

Useful Apps

Here are some of our favourite greener living Apps from assessing your carbon footprint to managing your food waste. Try these out and see which ones work for you:

Giki Zero

Giki Zero

Our favourite carbon calculator – Calculate your carbon footprint and find steps to reduce it. Engage employees and build a culture with sustainability at its core.

WWF Carbon Footprint

WWF Carbon Footprint

Calculate your footprint with the My Footprint app then choose and track challenges to help you make small changes in your own life that add up to something bigger.

The planet app

The Planet App

Learn how to have carbon-conscious habits, receive daily tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint and earn points to move along your path towards sustainability.

Too Good to Go

Too Good to Go

Too Good To Go is a community of Waste Warriors fighting food waste together. As a user, save meals from stores and food professionals around you.



Food sharing app. Give and get free stuff and borrow and lend household items – all directly from your community.



Interactive second-hand shopping experience that replicates a lot of what we like about online shopping. Make sure you only buy from UK sellers or we are no better off!



Vinted is an online  community, thousands of brands, and a whole lot of second-hand style. Make sure you only buy from UK sellers or we are no better off!